More Recommended Videos

Hello, this is Michael again with some more recommended videos for aspiring members (mainly builders, but any of you can still watch them) to watch. The youtuber who makes these videos, Mark Rober, makes really cool sciencey build videos. While these are not really robot related, they do explain the engineering design process, which we will use a lot over the course of the season.

This one shows how he made a rock skipping robot (but not really a bot with programming  and such), and it goes deeply into the design process.

Rock Skip Robot

This one shows how he made a rocket powered golf club. This goes way deeper into the prototyping and testing phase of the design process than the previous video, so it is worth a watch.

Rocket Powered Golf Club

This one shows how to make a winning mousetrap car, and i did not know what that was until I watched this. This does not go in as deep into the design process as the other two, but it helps explain some confusing physics  that might come up during the season.

Mousetrap Car Ideas

I love Mark Rober’s videos. I am subscribed to him, and I have watched almost every video that he has put out. Here is a link to his channel if you are interested in checking him out.    – Michael

Information Meeting #1 (7/9)

We had an awesome meeting at the library tonight.  10 families came out to learn more about FTC robotics, and I got a chance to meet many future engineers, scientists and leaders.  Again, this is just showing us that there is a desire for an FTC robotics team here in New Kent.  Mr. Zane, our beloved mentor from Lord of the Bricks even came out and shared some information with everyone.

FTC #16537

Today our registration payment (via the rookie team grant) was visible on our team’s dashboard.  We are OFFICIAL!  And we even have a team number: 16537.

We are very excited about how many things are coming together over the past few weeks!

FTC Rookie Team Grant

Last week I started the registration process with FIRST Tech Challenge for our team. We are a rookie team, were eligible for the FTC Rookie Team Grant.  I filled out the questionnaire and hoped for the best.

Today, I received the email notification:
Congratulations! Your team has been awarded the FIRST Tech Challenge Rookie Team grant to cover the $275 registration fee and another $225 of product purchased via the FIRST Tech Challenge Storefront.

WOO HOO!  This is one more step on the long road of our exciting inaugural season!

Information Meetings

We have scheduled two information meetings at the Heritage Public Library in New Kent.
Tuesday July 9 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday July 16 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

We will covering topics such as:
What is FTC robotics (briefly – what we do, how we do it, and what is expected of the team members)
Cost & Fundraising
Meeting times & location

Click here for the facebook event