February 9, 2021, Team 16537 LOGICoyote competed over the weekend. Due to current event size limitations, we played 5 matches on Saturday with the same alliance partner; our highest score was 104 points. Judges’ interviews were on Sunday, and our small team was poised, professional, and simply looked impressive. We will find out the results from the weekend at tonight’s (2/9) Awards Ceremony at 6:00pm on https://www.twitch.tv/firstchesapeake They will be announcing awards for both Fulton MD (Red 2) and for Colonial Heights/Shenandoah Caverns (Blue 1). Team 16537 LOGICoyote competed in Blue 1. If you would like to see LOGICoyote’s matches as presented on the twitch feed over the weekend, that is on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxrccV09XuA. You will want to start at timestamp 6:43:40. The stream switches between our matches and other venues, but a lot of our matches are represented.