LOGICoyote robot scores in a match

STEM Opportunities for New Kent

NOTE: We are updating the content on our website, thank you for your patience during these changes.  
Please use our contact us form if you cannot find answers to your questions.

New Kent Robotics offers STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) opportunities through robotics programs.  Our programs are open to students regardless of their school format (public, private, home) or home community, although we meet in New Kent county, Virginia.  We currently offer two programs for students:

Robotics Club is geared towards students aged 10-12 and provides a hands-on experience building and programming a robot and implements .  The coach will provide a design to be built, but will also challenge students with critical thinking on how they might solve a problem or improve on a current design.  The ages are a guideline, and we will consider a younger student who consistently displays maturity, or an older student who wants a limited experience before joining the team. Our next Club session will run from Sep 5 – Nov 14, 2023, and unfortunately we have filled all of our available slots.  We will have another session in the Spring, and we will be looking into how we can expand to allow more students.  Learn more about Robotics Club.

FTC Team 16537 LOGICoyote is a competitive robotics team for students 13 years old through high school.  Although the members of this team commit a significant amount of time, it is an investment in their future as they develop skills that are beneficial in a variety of school and career paths.  The next FTC season CENTERSTAGE kicks off Sep 9, 2023, and we have space available on our team.  Learn more about FTC 16537 LOGICoyote.

If you would like to be involved in any way, please fill out our contact us form. Interested students will be invited to open houses to see if our robotics team a good fit for now or the future.  We are also looking for other mentors and coaches, local business sponsors, community leaders, and anyone willing to help out in any way!